Editing a GUI generated installation response file
After you have generated a response file, you must edit the response file to suit your environment before you perform a silent installation. Use the following guidelines to edit your response file.
You must specify passwords for the default d2cadmin and d2cuser accounts. Best practices recommend that you follow the Hybrid Data Pipeline default password policy when specifying these account passwords. When initially logging in to the Web UI or using the API, you must authenticate as one of these users. These settings take the following form.
If you are installing the Hybrid Data Pipeline server on a system other than the one you used to generate the response file, you can designate the host machine with the D2C_HOSTNAME option.
If you want to continue with an installation even though hostname, port, and load balancer hostname validations fail, then the validation settings should be set as follows. (Note that these properties are set to false by default.)
If you are storing user credentials on an external database, you must designate the administrator and user passwords of the external database with the D2C_DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD and D2C_DB_USER_PASSWORD options. However, you may skip database validation by setting the SKIP_DATABASE_VALIDATION property to true. If you skip database validation, the installer will complete the installation even when the database validation fails.
The following example response file includes the settings for a load balancer deployment using the On-Premises Connector, using a MySQL Community Edition external database. This type of response file would be generated with the GUI installer.
# Tue Nov 21 15:26:30 EST 2017
# Replay feature output
# ---------------------
# This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
# It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.