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Installing the Hybrid Data Pipeline On-Premises Connector : Configuring the On-Premises Connector : Determining the Connector information

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Determining the Connector information

The On-Premises Configuration Tool allows you to see the Hybrid Data Pipeline Connector ID being used to register the On-Premises Connector with Hybrid Data Pipeline. You may also use the Configuration Tool to change the User ID and Password used to register the On-Premises Connector with Hybrid Data Pipeline, and to change the label used to identify the Connector in the configuration dialogs.
When you configure a Hybrid Data Pipeline data source to connect to an on-premises Data Store such as OpenEdge using the On-Premises Connector, you must select the Connector from a drop-down list.
Note: By default, only the owner of the On-Premises Connector can use the Connector to access data sources behind the firewall. The owner of the On-Premises Connector can grant other Hybrid Data Pipeline users permission to use the Connector. The User ID of the owner of the On-Premises Connector is shown in the User ID field of the General tab in the Configuration Tool. The Hybrid Data Pipeline Management API provides a set of REST calls that allow the owner to manage the list of users that can access the On-Premises Connector. Through the APIs, the owner can add and remove Hybrid Data Pipeline users to the list of users that can use the Connector. See the "Getting Started with Hybrid Data Pipeline" in the user's guide for more information.
1. Select Configuration Tool in the Hybrid Data Pipeline On-Premises Connector program group. Alternatively, navigate to the directory install_dir\OPDH\config and double-click the opconfig.bat file, or type opconfig from a command prompt.
The General tab of the Hybrid Data Pipeline On-Premises Connector Configuration Tool displays the Connector ID and the User ID used when installing the On-Premises Connector.
General tab of the On-Premises Connector
2. Select the Connector ID string and copy it to a text file that you can refer to when you use the Hybrid Data Pipeline Management APIs.
3. If you want to change the label, which by default is the name of the computer, enter a unique descriptive name in the Connector Label field. The maximum length is 255 characters. This label appears in the Connector ID drop-down list on the configuration dialogs.
If you have already used the label on another Connector, you are prompted to enter a different label. For example, you might change Production to Production(West).
4. If you want to change the User ID and Password that was used to register the On-Premises Connector, enter a valid Progress Id and password in the User ID and Password fields.
If the User ID and Password are not valid, a message is returned.
5. Click Save to persist your settings, as well as changes on other Configuration Tool tabs. If you save your settings, then close and reopen the Configuration Tool, the saved settings are displayed automatically.
6. Click Close to exit the Configuration Tool.
Note: If you uninstall the On-Premises Connector and later re-install it, the Connector ID changes, even if you reuse the Connector label. In this case, you must update any data sources created with the original Connector ID. For each data source, select the label for the newer Connector. If you shared the Connector with other users, make sure that they update their data sources.