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Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with .NET : Setting up Corticon Server for .NETon IIS : Testing the installed Corticon Server for .NET : Testing as in-process

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Testing as in-process
Sample code is provided that demonstrates an in-process deployment of Corticon Server for .NET. This code is packaged as the executable Corticon-Api-Inprocess-Test.exe in the [CORTICON_HOME]\Server .NET\samples\bin directory.
The API in-process test opens a Windows console and displays the API menu, as shown below:
Figure 392. Top Portion of the .NET Server in-process API console
The menu displayed in the Windows console is too large to fit on a single printed page, so it has been divided into two screenshots here. In the upper portion of the Windows console, shown in the figure above, the class loading process is visible. Once all classes are loaded, Corticon Server for .NET starts up in the IIS.
Figure 393. Lower Portion of the .NET Server in-process API console
In the lower portion of the Windows console, shown in the figure above, we see the available API methods of the Common Functions (the 100 series) listed by number. You can list the commands in the other series by entering their series number:
*Enter 200 to list the Decision Service Functions command set
*Enter 300 to list the Monitoring Functions command set
*Enter 400 to list the CcServer Functions command set
*Enter 100 to again list the Common Functions command set
Note: After you enter a transaction, the result is displayed followed a restating of the current command set. You might need to scroll back a bit to see your results.
Since we have not deployed any Ruleflows yet, we will need to use an administrative method to test if Corticon Server is loaded in-process correctly. A good administrative method to call is option #121, Get CcServer Info. This choice corresponds directly to the corresponding API method getCcServerInfo().
To try this, enter 121 in the command window. The CcServerApiTest class makes a call to the Corticon Server running in-process. It asks for a list of configuration parameters and returns them to the Windows console. The results of the call are shown in the following figure:
Figure 394. .NET Server in-process API console response to command 121
We haven't loaded any Decision Services, so Corticon Server is basically replying with an empty status message. But the important thing is that we have verified that Corticon Server for .NET is running correctly in-process and is listening for, and responding to, calls. At this stage in the deployment, this is all we want to verify.
There is also a sample application test for the in-process Corticon Server. This code is packaged as the executable Corticon-Api-Example.exe in the [CORTICON_HOME]\Server .NET\samples\bin directory.