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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Setting Web Console server properties

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Setting Web Console server properties

The following properties are settings you can apply to your Web Console Server installation by adding the properties and appropriate values as lines in its file, and then restarting Server. The effect of these settings will be realized by users of the Web Console browser clients connected to this Web Console server.
Properties related to monitoring execution times of Decision Service - Version over defined
interval periods.
Specifies whether the Server will auto-start recording time interval measurements.
Note: The time interval monitoring service can be shutdown and restarted using the following methods,
which will override this setting.
- ICcServer.stopServerExecutionTimesIntervalService()
- ICcServer.startServerExecutionTimesIntervalService()
Default value is true
Properties related to Decision Service - Version level monitoring.
Specifies whether the Server will auto-start recording time measurements.
Note: The data recording monitoring service can be shutdown and restarted using the following methods,
which will override this setting.
- ICcServer.stopServerResultsDistributionMonitoringService()
- ICcServer.startServerResultsDistributionMonitoringService()
Default value is true
<number>=<ds name>;<ds version number>;<tracking attribute>;<attribute type>;<bucket definitions>
- <ds name> = Name of the Decision Service to be monitored
- <ds major version number>= Major Version number of the Decision Service to be monitored
- <ds minor version number>= Minor Version number of the Decision Service to be monitored
- <tracking attribute> = Fully qualified path to the attribute as defined in Vocabulary
- <attribute type> = Datatype of <tracking attribute>. Supported values include: Boolean, Date, Decimal, Integer, and String.
- <bucket definitions> = Definitions of each bucket in which <tracking attribute> will be evaluated. This is an options field. If null, the Server will keep track of all unique values. Bucket definitions can be distinct values or range values. Range values only apply to <attribute type> Date, Decimal, and Integer.
These values are delineated using values from
except for bucket definitions which uses
AllocateTrade;1;1;Trade.transaction.dPrice;Decimal;<100,[100..200), >= 200