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Corticon Server: Data Integration Guide : How Datasource information is viewed in the Vocabulary

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How Datasource information is viewed in the Vocabulary

As soon as a Vocabulary chooses to add an ADC or EDC Datasource, the Vocabulary editor is modified to place a Datasource pulldown menu above the Vocabulary tree, as illustrated:
Figure 328. Datasource not selected
When the Datasource is EDC, clicking the pulldown offers only EDC. The tree icons take on database 'decorations' on each persisted entity and attribute. The list of attributes in each persisted entity is re-arranged such that the one or more attributes that comprise the entity identity, the Primary Key, are at the top of each list, as illustrated:
Figure 329. EDC Datasource selected
When more than one Datasource has been defined in a Vocabulary, clicking the pulldown lets you choose which Datasource you want to view, as illustrated:
Figure 330. Selecting from multiple Datasources
In the following illustration, the Patient Datasource is showing its persisted elements and keys, and the Datasource's section of the Properties panel is decorated to indicate that it is the Datasource in the current view:
Figure 331. Patient Datasource keys and persistent elements
When you toggle the Datasource selector to the Treatment Datasource, it decorates its persisted elements and keys, and the Datasource's section of the Properties panel is decorated to indicate that it is the Datasource in the current view:
Figure 332. Treatment Datasource keys and persistent elements