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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Packaging and deploying Decision Services : Using command line utilities to compile Decision Services

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Using command line utilities to compile Decision Services

Users wanting to automate the building and testing of Decision Services can use the corticonManagement utility to compile Ruleflows into Decision Services ready for deployment, create XSD and WSDL files for clients who will call the Decision Services, and to run Ruletests to validate that the Decision Services perform as expected.
The commands can be used to script these processes and integrate them with other automated processes such as the "build" procedure for a larger project. To make this integration easier, a set of ANT macros are provided that make it easy to perform the building and testing of Decision Services within a custom ANT build script.
Note: When the target for deployment is the Corticon Server for .NET, you can use the corticonManagement utilities and ANT scripts to build .eds files and run tests. Then, running the IKVM utilities against the .eds file will generate the .NET bytecode.
* Syntax of the compile and test commands
* Creating a build process in Ant