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Corticon Installation Guide : Uninstalling Corticon Products

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Uninstalling Corticon Products

Uninstalling Corticon Studio

To remove a version of Corticon Studio, use this procedure.
Note: Uninstall removes a complete major.minor version. You cannot uninstall just a Service Pack.
Note: Uninstalling Corticon Studio 5.6.x will not impact any other installed major.minor version of Corticon Studio.
To uninstall Corticon Studio:
1. Close Corticon Studio.
2. Choose the Start menu Control Panel function Programs and Features, and then double-click on Progress Corticon Studio 5.6.x to launch its uninstaller.
Note: You could initiate the same task directly by navigating to [CORTICON_HOME]\Uninstall_Progress Corticon Studio 5.6, and then running Uninstall Progress Corticon Studio 5.6.exe.
The installed files in the Studio's [CORTICON_HOME] are removed. Files you created (including the complete workspace) are NOT removed or replaced during this process.
If the Uninstaller program is unable to fully remove components (usually because they are open), it will display messages, and might require a reboot to complete the process.

Uninstalling Corticon Server

To remove a version of the server components to prepare for a new installation (or if you want to fully remove them), use this procedure. The installed files in the Server's [CORTICON_HOME] are removed. Note that files you created are NOT removed or replaced during this process. No server files in the [CORTICON_WORK_DIR] are removed.
Note: Uninstall removes a complete major.minor version. You cannot uninstall just a Service Pack. If the Uninstaller program is unable to fully remove components (usually because they are open), it will display messages, and might require a reboot to complete the process.
Note: The Corticon Server components -- Corticon Server for Java, Corticon Server for .NET, and the Corticon Web Console -- use common installation directories. As such, you cannot choose to uninstall just selected components. Uninstallation will remove all installed server components.
To uninstall Corticon Server on Windows:
1. Stop Corticon Server.
2. Backup any files you want to retain.
3. Choose the Start menu Control Panel function Programs and Features, and then double-click on Progress Corticon Server 5.6.x to launch its uninstaller.
Note: You could initiate the same task directly by navigating to [CORTICON_HOME]\Uninstall_Progress Corticon Studio 5.6, and then running Uninstall Progress Corticon Server 5.6.exe.
To uninstall Corticon Server on Linux:
1. Stop Corticon Server.
2. Backup any files you want to retain.
3. In a command shell, navigate to [CORTICON_HOME]\Uninstall_Progress Corticon Studio 5.6, and then run Uninstall Progress Corticon Server 5.6.bin.