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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : The Corticon Studio reporting framework

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The Corticon Studio reporting framework

Corticon Studio lets you create reports on each of the assets in a project: Vocabulary, Rulesheets, Ruleflows, and Ruletests.
You generate reports from a dialog box that lets you choose from standard types and styles of reports, and then set the output folder, as illustrated here for a Rulesheet:
The standard reports provide summaries at different levels of detail for the different asset types.
For example:
The standard report types are:
Report Type one of the XSLT files for the asset type:
*Basic Vocabulary
*Detailed Vocabulary
*Basic Rulesheet Expressions
*Basic Rulesheet Natural Language
*Detailed Rulesheet Expressions
*Detailed Rulesheet Natural Language
*Basic Ruleflow Expressions
*Basic Ruleflow Natural Language
*Detailed Ruleflow Expressions
*Detailed Ruleflow Natural Language
*Basic Ruletest
The type files are located at [CORTICON_WORK_DIR]\Studio\Reports\XSLT\ in folders according to the asset types. You can copy the files to use as templates or change them to create report types that are then offered in the Report Type dropdown menu for the asset type.
Report Style is the CSS stylesheet to use for the report. The basic stylesheets are:
*Corticon Blue
*Corticon Green
The style files are located at [CORTICON_WORK_DIR]\Studio\Reports\CSS\. You can copy a stylesheet file to use as a template to create custom report styles that are then offered in the Report Style dropdown menu.
Output Folder is the location where the report will be stored on disk. The default location is [CORTICON_WORK_DIR]/Studio/Reports. You can create a root location such as C:\CorticonStudioReports and then append subfolder names to sort out your projects, tasks, clients, or versions.
When you have set the parameters of the report, and then click Finish the processing takes place as follows:
1. Generates an XML file using its built-in XML template
2. Uses the selected XSLT transformation to move the XML into HTML
3. Applies the selected CSS to render the HTML file in a web browser page
4. Copies the XML, HTML, and CSS files to the specified output folder.

Customizing the XSLT stylesheet transforms

Corticon Studio's initial XSLT stylesheets can be modified or copied to create preferred XSLT files to generate custom Studio reports. Name and save your modified XSLT file in the appropriate XSLT subfolder so that it will be listed and callable when you run reports.

Customizing the CSS stylesheets

Corticon Studio's initial CSS stylesheet can be modified or copied to create a preferred CSS files to render standard and custom Studio reports. Name and save your file in the CSS folder so that it will be listed and callable when you run reports.
See also:
*Creating a Vocabulary report
*Creating a Rulesheet report
*Creating a Ruleflow report
*Creating a Ruletest report