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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Filters and preconditions : Test yourself questions: Filters and preconditions

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Test yourself questions: Filters and preconditions

Note: Try this test, and then go to Test yourself answers: Filters and preconditions to correct yourself.
1. True or False. All expressions modeled in the Filters section of the Rulesheet behave as filters.
2. True or False. All expressions modeled in the Filters section of the Rulesheet behave as preconditions.
3. True or False. Some rules may be unaffected by Filters expressions on the same Rulesheet.
4. When 2 conditional expressions are expressed as 2 Filter rows, they are logically ______ together.
5. True or False. A Filter row is a stand-alone rule that can be assigned its own Rule Statement
6. A null collection is a collection that:
a. has a parent but no children
b. has children but no parent
c. has no parent and no children
d. has a parent and children
7. An empty collection is a collection that:
a. has a parent but no children
b. has children but no parent
c. has no parent and no children
d. has a parent and children
8. A Filter expression is equivalent to a Conditional expression as long as it includes ______ collection operators in the expression.
at least one
9. True or False. To join two Filters with an or operator, you must use the word or in between expressions.
10. By default, all Filter expressions are ______________ filters
11. The Filter expression shown below has which behavior(s)?
limiting filter
full filter
12. The Filter expression shown below has which behavior(s)?
limiting filter
full filter
13. What happens when a Filter expression, acting as a precondition, is not satisfied?
a. The expression is ignored and Rulesheet execution continues
b. The Rulesheet is re-executed from the beginning
c. The last Rulesheet is executed
d. The next Rulesheet is executed
e. All Rulesheet execution stops
f. Execution of that Rulesheet stops
14. Which Filters behaviors may be active at the same time?
a. Full filter and precondition
b. Limiting filter and precondition
c. Limiting and full filter
d. Precondition may only act alone
15. For the sample data shown below, determine which data survives the Filter for each question. Enter the entity number (the number in square brackets) for each survivor in the appropriate column. Assume the collection Movie has alias movies, Movie.dvd has alias dvds, and Movie.oscar has alias oscars. Full filters are shown in regular type and limiting filters are shown in bold type. None behave as Preconditions.