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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Answers to test-yourself questions : Test yourself answers: Writing rules to access external data

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Test yourself answers: Writing rules to access external data

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1. Rule scope determines which data is processed during rule execution.
2. So a Database-enabled Rulesheet does not inadvertently retrieve all the corresponding data in a database, which could be a lot of data!
3. It is extended to the database
4. True. Only root-level entities need to be extended – all other entities are extended automatically because their scope is reduced enough to not be as concerned about massive amounts of retrieved data.
5. See the tutorial Using EDC, and the Integration and Deployment Guide.
6. No. In general, the rule modeler does not need to worry about where data is stored.
7. Yes. The exception is when rules are written using root-level terms. If the Rule Set is Database-enabled, then these root-level terms may need to be extended to the database.