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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Answers to test-yourself questions : Test yourself answers: Rules containing calculations and equations

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Test yourself answers: Rules containing calculations and equations

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1. comparison in Preconditions and Conditions, assignment in Nonconditionals and Actions
2. The results of the equations are:
a. 10
b. 13
c. 22
d. 24
e. 0
3. This assignment is not valid since an Integer attribute cannot contain the digits to the right of the decimal point in a Decimal attribute value.
4. The data types are:
a. Integer
b. String
c. Boolean
d. Decimal
e. Boolean
f. Boolean
g. Boolean
5. The validity of the assignments are:
a. valid
b. invalid
c. valid
d. valid
e. valid
f. invalid
g. valid
6. The part of Corticon Studio that checks for syntactical problems is called the Parser.
7. False. Although the Parser in Corticon Studio is very effective at finding syntactical errors, it is not perfect and can’t anticipate all possible combinations of the rule language.
8. This Filter tests if the difference between the current year and the year a movie was released is more than 10 years.
9. This Condition tests if the total quantity of DVDs available divided by the number of DVD versions of a movie is less than or equal to 50,000 or greater than 50,000. This same calculation could be performed by using the ->avg operator by itself.
10. If the average quantity available of a DVD is greater than 50,000 for a movie that is more than 10 years old, then flag the movie with a warning.
11. The sections of a Rulesheet that accept equations and calculations are:
a. Scope: False
b. Rule statements: False
c. Condition rows: True
d. Action rows: True
e. Column 0: True
f. Condition cells: False
g. Action cells: False
h. Filters: True