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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Answers to test-yourself questions : Test yourself answers: Rule scope and context

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Test yourself answers: Rule scope and context

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1. 7 root-level entities are present
2. all terms are allowed except
3. Movie.supplier
a. Movie.oscar
b. Movie.roles
c. Actor.roles
d. DVD.supplier
e. Movie.dVD.extras
6. Since the association between Actor and Role is bidirectional, we can use both Actor.roles and in our rules.
7. Movie and Award
8. from Movie to Award: goldenGlobe and oscar. From Award to Movie: two unique rolenames exist for this perspective, too, but are not visible in the Vocabulary diagram.
9. The Award entity could be split into two separate entities, or an attribute could be added to Award to identify the type of award.
10. Using roles helps to clarify rule context.
11. unique
12. True
13. all examples shown are Boolean expressions
14. can use Movie if it is the root term, or if DVD is the root term The root term can either be Movie or DVD – no conditions in the rule prevent either one from being the root term
15. can use Movie.dVD if Movie is the root term, or DVD if it is the root term The root term can either be Movie or DVD – no conditions in the rule prevent either one from being the root term
16. False. Both Movie and DVD terms in this example are root terms with no relationship to each other.
17. Once for the Movie satisfying the rule conditions and its associated DVD
18. Twice: once for each DVD (i.e. the cross product of the DVDs and the Movie satisfying the rule conditions)
a. High
b. Low
c. Low for each DVD
d. Twice: once for each DVD
e. Four: each of the 2 rules fired 2 times
f. cross product
g. no, each rule should only fire once for the DVD associated with the Movie
h. change the Movie and DVD terms to share the same scope, starting either with Movie as the root term (Movie and Movie.dVD) or DVD as the root term (DVD and
20. False. Aliases are only required to be used in certain circumstances, but they can be used at any time and provide a good way of simplifying rule expressions.
21. Scope is another way of defining a specific context or perspective in the Vocabulary
22. be updated
23. False. Each alias must be unique and cannot have the same spelling as any term in the Vocabulary.