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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Answers to test-yourself questions : Test yourself answers: Rule dependency: dependency and inferencing

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Test yourself answers: Rule dependency: dependency and inferencing

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1. Inferencing involves only a single pass through rules while looping involves multiple passes.
2. A loop that does not end by itself is known as an infinite loop.
3. A loop that depends logically on itself is known as a single-rule or trivial loop.
4. False. The Rulesheet must have looping enabled in order for the loop detector to notice mutual dependencies.
5. False. The Check for Logical Loops tool can only detect and highlight loops, not fix them.
6. No, looping is neither required nor wanted for these rules. Normal inferencing will ensure the correct sequence of execution of these rules.
7. Yes, having this Rulesheet configured to Process All Logical Loops enables an infinite loop between rule 1 and rule 2 for DVDs meeting the conditions for that rule.
8. Rule 1 would change the DVD’s price tier value to Medium, and then rule 2 and rule 1 would execute in an infinite loop, incrementing the DVD’s quantity available by 25,000 repeatedly until terminating after the maxloop property setting number of iterations.
9. Process all logical loops
10. Process multi-rule loops only
11. A dependency network determines the sequence of rule execution and is generated when a Rulesheet is saved.