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Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide : Answers to test-yourself questions : Test yourself answers: Recognizing and modeling parameterized rules

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Test yourself answers: Recognizing and modeling parameterized rules

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1. When several rules use the same set of Conditions and Actions, but different values for each, we say that these rules share a common pattern.
2. Another name for the different values in these expressions is parameter.
3. False. It is usually easier to model them as Conditions and Actions that use values sets.
4. You may accidentally introduce ambiguities into your rules.
5. X customers buy more than $Y of product each year
6. Type of customer: {‘Platinum’, ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’, ‘Bronze’} and spend amount: {25000..50000, (50000..75000], (75000..10000], >100000}. Depending on how the rules are modeled, one of these values sets will be part of a Condition and should be completed with the special word other.
7. These parameters may be maintained in the values sets of an individual Rulesheet, which is easy to perform, but makes reuse more difficult. They may be maintained as Custom Data Types (Enumerated) in the Vocabulary, which makes reuse easier.