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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Configuring Corticon properties and settings : Setting override properties in the file

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Setting override properties in the file

The file installed at the work directory root lists properties that Studio and Server users routinely want to modify. The installed file lists each of these properties with a set of comments and then shows the commented default name=value pair.
To specify a preferred value, edit the file, remove the # from the beginning of a property's line, and then add your preferred value after the equals sign. For example, to change interval of diagnostic readings from five minutes to two minutes, locate the line:
and then change it to
When you save the edited file, and the restart the Server, your changes are in effect.
The content of the installed file is as follows:

# Log settings
# logpath - The directory where logs are written. Default value is %CORTICON_WORK_DIR%/logs.
# Note: Use forward slashes as path separator.
# loglevel can be:
# OFF - Turn off all logging
# ERROR - Log only errors
# WARN - Log all errors and warnings
# INFO - Log all info, warnings and errors (Default value)
# DEBUG - Log all debug infomation and all messages applicable to INFO level
# TRACE - Equivalent to DEBUG with some tracing logs
# ALL - Highest level of detail
# logDailyRollover - Specifies whether to rollover the logs on a daily basis. Default value is true.
# logRolloverMaxHistory - Specifies the number of rollover logs to keep. Default value is 5.
# com.corticon.server.execution.logPerDS - This property enables the sifting of the logs into execution log files specific
# to each Decision Service. Default value is false.
# logFiltersAccept - When the log level is set to INFO or higher, this property lists accepted logging items.
# Default accepted filter value list: DIAGNOSTIC,SYSTEM
# Note: The loglevel and logpath can be changed using following methods, which will override this setting.
# - ICcServer.setLogLevel(String)
# - ICcServer.setLogPath(String)
# Hibernate EDC log settings
# See hibernate documentation for more info
# Option that will restrict certain types of Rule Messages from being posted to the
# output of an execution. There are 3 different properties to allow the user to
# select exactly what is returned to them from the execution.
# Default is false (for all three properties)

# Option to relax the enforcement of Custom Data Type Constraints
# If set to true a CDT violation will post a warning message and execution will continue
# If set to false a CDT violation will cause an exception to be thrown halting execution
# Default is false

# Option to prepend rule metadata to the business rule statement text
# If set to true, the Rulesheet (if part of a Ruleflow) and rule ID will be prepended
# to all business rule statements at deployment/compile time.
# If set to false, no change is made to the rule statements
# Default is false

# Determines whether the Dynamic Update Monitor Service should be started automatically
# when the Server is initialized.
# Note: The maintenance service can be shutdown and restarted using, which will override
# this setting:
# - ICcServer.stopDynamicaUpdateMonitoringService()
# - ICcServer.startDynamicUpdateMonitoringService()
# Default is true (Start the Update Monitor Service)

# Intervals of time (ms) at which the Server checks for:
# 1. Changes in any cdd loaded to the Server by a loadFromCdd or loadFromCddDir call
# 2. Changes in any cdd file including new cdds within the directory of cdds from a
# loadFromCddDir call
# 3. Changes in any of the Decision Services (.eds files) loaded to the server.
# This is done via a timestamp check.
# If any changes as described above are detected, the Server's state is dynamically
# updated to reflect the changes. The "maintenance thread" that checks for these
# changes at the specified intervals can be shutdown and restarted using:
# - ICcServer.stopDynamicaUpdateMonitoringService()
# - ICcServer.startDynamicUpdateMonitoringService()
# Default is 30 secs (30,000 ms)

# Option to automatically start and configure the server diagnostics thread
# when an ICcServer is created in the CcServerFactory
# Default is true

# Wait time of the Server Diagnostic Monitor
# The Diagnostic Service will post a log message every x milliseconds
# Default is 5 minutes (30,000 ms)

# This is the configuration for using the Execution Recording Service to write execution information to a
# database.
# com.corticon.server.execution.recording.enabled
# If enabled, the CcServer will instantiate the Execution Recording Service during startup.
# Default value is false
# com.corticon.server.execution.recording.process.payloads
# If the Execution Recording Service is turned on, the user can specify whether the Input and Output payloads
# should be written to the CC_PAYLOADS database table.
# Default value is true
# com.corticon.server.execution.recording.process.rulemessages
# If the Execution Recording Service is turned on, the user can specify whether the CcRuleMessage
# should be written to the CC_RULEMESSAGES database table.
# Default value is true

# These properties are used to setup the default Execution Recording Service.
# The Database Id of the Database that the service will use
# Database Id | Database Name
# ===============================================================================
# | Oracle Database 12c
# | Oracle Database 10g
# | Oracle Database 11g
# | IBM DB2 10.5
# | IBM DB2 9.5
# | Microsoft SQL Server 2008
# | Microsoft SQL Server 2012
# | Microsoft SQL Server 2014
# | MySQL 5.6 Database
# | PostgreSQL 9.4 Database
# | Progress OpenEdge 11.5
# | Progress OpenEdge 11.4
# | Progress OpenEdge 11.3
# | Progress OpenEdge 10.2
# ccexecutionrecordingservice.hibernate.connection.username
# The username to connect to the Database.
# ccexecutionrecordingservice.hibernate.connection.password
# The password to connect to the Database
# ccexecutionrecordingservice.hibernate.connection.url
# The URL to connect to the Database
You can add lines for other properties and values that you want to override. See the following sections for details. For example, to express a preference for decimal values displayed and rounded to two places instead of the six places preset for this property, add the following line to the file -- it does not matter where in the file as long as it is on a separate line: