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Corticon Studio: Rule Language Guide : Rule operator details and examples

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Rule operator details and examples

The following pages describe each operator in greater detail. Each Rule Operator has the following sections
1. Syntax – Describes the standard syntax used with this operator. In this section, as in the previous summary tables, the angle bracket convention <..> is used to indicate what types of terms and their data types can be used with the operator. When using the operator with real terms from the Vocabulary, do not include the angle brackets.
2. Description – Provides a plain-language description of the operator's purpose and details of its use. Important reminders, tips, or cautions are included in this section.
3. Usage Restrictions – Describes what limitations exist for this operator, and where an operator may not be used in a Rulesheet. Such limitations are rare, but important to a good understanding of Corticon Studio.
4. Example – Shows an example of each operator in a Rulesheet. A screenshot of the example Rulesheet is provided, with portions of the Rulesheet not used by the example collapsed or truncated for clarity. The example also includes sample input and output data for Ruletest scenarios run against the Rulesheet.
The entire list of operators is presented in alphabetic order.
* Absolute value
* Add numbers
* Add strings
* Add days
* Add hours
* Add minutes
* Add months
* Add seconds
* Add years
* Associate element(s)
* At
* Average
* CellValue
* Clone
* Concatenate
* Contains
* Day
* Days between
* Day of week
* Day of year
* Decrement
* Disassociate element(s)
* Divide
* Div
* Ends with
* Equals when used as an assignment
* Equals when used as a comparison
* Equals ignoring case
* Equals when using Strings
* Exists
* Exponent
* False
* First
* First (number)
* Floor
* For all
* Greater than
* Greater than or equal to
* Hour
* Hour between
* In {List}
* In (Range)
* Increment
* Index of
* Is empty
* Iterate
* Last
* Last (number)
* Less than
* Less than or equal to
* Logarithm (Base 10)
* Logarithm (Base x)
* Lowercase
* Maximum value
* Maximum value (Collection)
* Minimum value
* Minimum value (Collection)
* Minute
* Minutes between
* Mod
* Month
* Months between
* Multiply
* Natural logarithm
* New
* New unique
* Not
* Not empty
* Not equal to
* Now
* Null
* Other
* Or
* Remove element
* Replace element(s)
* Round
* Second
* Seconds between
* Size of string
* Size of collection
* Sorted by
* Sorted by descending
* Starts with
* SubSequence
* Substring
* Subtract
* Sum
* Today
* To date: Casting a dateTime to a date
* To dateTime: Casting a string to a dateTime
* To dateTime: Casting a date to a dateTime
* To dateTime: Casting a time to a dateTime
* To dateTime: Timezone offset
* To decimal
* To integer
* To string
* To time: Casting a dateTime to a time
* Trend
* True
* Uppercase
* Week of month
* Week of year
* Year
* Years between