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Corticon Studio: Rule Language Guide : Precedence of rule operators

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Precedence of rule operators

The precedence of operators affects the grouping and evaluation of expressions. Expressions with higher-precedence operators are evaluated first. Where several operators have equal precedence, they are evaluated from left to right. The following table summarizes Corticon's operator precedence.
Operator precedence
Operator Name
( )
Parenthetic expression
(5.5 / 10)
Unary negative
Boolean test
not 10
Arithmetic: Multiplication
5.5 * 10
Arithmetic: Division
5.5 / 10
Arithmetic: Exponentiation (Powers and Roots)
5 ** 2
25 ** 0.5
125 ** (1.0/3.0)
Arithmetic: Addition
5.5 + 10
Arithmetic: Subtraction
10.0 – 5.5
Relational: Less Than
5.5 < 10
Relational: Less Than Or Equal To
5.5 <= 5.5
Relational: Greater Than
10 > 5.5
Relational: Greater Than Or Equal To
10 >= 10
Relational: Equal
Relational: Not Equal
5.5 <> 10
(expression, expression)
Logical: AND
(expression or expression)
Logical: OR
(<5.5 or >10)
Note: While expressions within parentheses that are separated by logical AND / OR operators are valid, the component expressions are not evaluated individually when testing for completeness, and might cause unintended side effects during rule execution. Best practice within a Corticon Rulesheet is to represent AND conditions as separate condition rows and OR conditions as separate rules -- doing so allows you to get the full benefit of Corticon’s logical analysis.
Note: It is recommended that you place arithmetic exponentiation expressions in parentheses.