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Corticon Installation Guide : Installing Corticon Studio : Tasks after Studio is installed : Participate in the Studio Customer Experience Improvement Program

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Participate in the Studio Customer Experience Improvement Program
Corticon uses Progress Telerik Analytics to gather data that will help Progress Software determine product usage trends and improve product quality.
When you first launch Corticon Studio and specify a workspace, the Customer Experience Improvement Program dialog box opens. Read through the information in the dialog, and then either check the option to sign up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program, or clear the option to opt out. Clicking OK records your decision.
If you click Cancel (or click the close box), you are opted out.
If you choose to change workspace, you must select whether that workspace will participate.
Once Studio is running under the selected option, you can review or change the setting from the Studio menu Window > Preferences > Progress Corticon. The option and its current value are shown. If you change the option, click Apply, and then click OK.