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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Implementing EDC : Overview of the Enterprise Data Connector

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Overview of the Enterprise Data Connector

The following concepts and features are the basic tenets of Corticon EDC:
*Technologies - Corticon enables mapping to supported RDBMS brands using Progress Software's enterprise-grade Data Direct drivers, object/relational mapping in Hibernate, and the algorithms in C3P0's open-source JDBC connection pooling. Corticon creates Corticon Data Objects (CDOs) that are Hibernate-ready, and requests Hibernate to validate them against the database. These tools are embedded in the Corticon products, and maintained as product upgrades are applied. There is no initial need for configuring any of these supporting technologies, yet common tuning parameters are documented.
*Corticon's Vocabulary binds to specified RDBMS metadata - The Corticon Vocabulary stores the database connection and database metadata (tables, columns, primary keys, and foreign keys) that Corticon loads into its working memory as Corticon Data Objects (CDOs) for use in rule execution. Database metadata is used to infer the values of database-related fields based on rules. The import of database metadata imported into the Corticon Vocabulary can be constrained to specified entities to minimize the amount of metadata stored inside the Vocabulary asset. Dynamic validation tries to ensure that the Vocabulary always makes sense with respect to imported metadata. All Corticon assets that share a Vocabulary are relating to the same database.
*Database Keys - Entities can use either application identity (that is, primary keys) or datastore identity. With application identity, the application supplies the key values to create new instances, whereas with datastore identity the key values can be established through predefined identity strategies (or the default AutoGenID mechanism.)
*Persistence - Vocabulary entities can be transient or datastore persistent (that is, database-bound). Transient entities can have associations to persistent entities and vice versa. The user must supply instances of transient entities in the input message; conversely, datastore persistent entities are retrieved/updated in the database.
*Database caching - The Enterprise Data Connector supports database caching, the ability of a database to locally persist data that was retrieved from a database to expedite subsequent retrieval. This advanced concept's enablement in Studio is discussed in Defining database caching in Studio and related menu and property settings in the Quick Reference Guide, and its management in production is discussed in Working with database caches .