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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Preparing Studio files for deployment : Java object mapping

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Java object mapping

If you have chosen to use Option 3 in Corticon Server Installation Options – in other words, the data payload of your call will be in the form of a map or collection of Java objects – then your Vocabulary may need to be configured to match the method names within those objects.
Corticon Studio can import a package of classes and automatically match the object structure with the Vocabulary structure. In other words, it will try to determine which objects match which Vocabulary entities, which properties match which Vocabulary attributes, and which object references match which Vocabulary associations.
To perform this matching, Corticon Studio assumes your objects are JavaBean compliant, meaning they contain public get and set methods to expose those properties used in the Vocabulary. Without this JavaBean compliance, the automatic mapper may fail to fully map the package, and you will need to complete it manually.
To import package metadata:
1. Open your Vocabulary in Corticon Studio's Vocabulary Edit mode.
2. From the menubar, select Vocabulary > Java Object Messaging > Import Java Class Metadata, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 281. Importing Java Class Metadata for Mapping
3. Use the Browse button to select the location of your Java Business Objects. They should be compiled class files or Java archives (.jar files).
Figure 282. Browsing to your Java Class files
4. Select the package containing the Java business objects as shown:
Figure 283. Importing Java Class Metadata for Mapping
5. When the import succeeds, you see the following message:
Figure 284. Java Class Metadata Import Success Message
Now that the import is complete, we will examine our Vocabulary to see what happened.