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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Using Corticon Server logs : How users typically use logs

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How users typically use logs

How users typically use logs

Here are some ways you might use and manage logs.
*Configure logs to expose information:
*Audit rule execution with log files (logFiltersAccept list includes RULETRACE)
*Prevent sensitive data in log files (logFiltersAccept does not includeRULETRACE)
*Record diagnostic performance data (logFiltersAccept list includes DIAGNOSTIC), and then transform log data into CSV data for analysis tools
*Resolve problems:
*Assess problems at server startup (Logs not created)
*Assess problems with malformed requests
*Assess problems with Corticon licensing
*Assess problems with deployments
*Assess problems with object translations
*Administer log files:
*Produce Decision Service specific logs
*Specify a preferred log path
*Change retention policy for log file archives