Panel Progress
Progress Corticon documentation - Where and What
Overview of Progress Corticon
What's New in Corticon
What's new and changed in Corticon 5.6.1
Enhancements to extensions and service callouts
Service Callout instance properties
Progress® DataDirect® driver usage in extensions
Extended Operator Access to ICcDataObjectManager
New Service Callout Sample: Weather Callout
Advanced Data Callouts (ADC)
Improved High-Performance Batch Processor
Corticon Server Linux installer
Sample client applications in various languages
Corticon Server includes Swagger documentation for its REST API
Miscellaneous changes in 5.6.1
What's new and changed in Corticon 5.6
Improved process for custom extended operators and service callouts
Enhancements to Corticon Studio Tester
Improved difference detection in Ruletests
Improved Ruletest scrolling and navigation to differences
Property to disable the trimming of String values
Improvements to the selection of a test subject
Find precise location of problems in editors
Finding entity, attribute and association references
Create graphs of attribute and logical dependencies
Use Natural Language expressions on filters
Start designing rules using Natural Language
Add comments to Rulesheets
Create flexible Corticon Studio reports
REST API to return a Decision Service's Vocabulary metadata
REST API to pass a Decision Service as a URL parameter
Improved Web Console
Visualize monitored attributes in a Decision Service
Settings to use Rule Execution Recording on Decision Services
Deployment security: Authentication and encryption
Secure deployment of Decision Services
Encrypt communication between Corticon components
Automatic building and validation of projects
Simplified installation
Corticon Installation Guide
Overview of Corticon Installations
Preparing for a Corticon Installation
Evaluation licensing
System requirements
About Corticon upgrades
Downloading Corticon installer packages
Applying a Service Pack update
Installing Corticon Studio
Running the Corticon Studio installer wizard
Performing Silent Installations of Studio
Installing Corticon Studio plugins into an existing Eclipse
Tasks after Studio is installed
Upgrade projects coming forward from a prior release
Ensure that all projects build as Corticon projects
Evaluate the Studio's memory allocation
Participate in the Studio Customer Experience Improvement Program
Installing Corticon Servers and Web Console
Running the Server and Web Console installer wizard
Performing silent installations of Server components
Performing command-line Linux installations of Server components
Setting up and updating IIS for .NET Server
Creating custom context URLs on a web server
Resetting the Web Console administrator password
Registering your Corticon license
Updating your Corticon Studio license
Limits of your Corticon Studio license within Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge
Updating your Corticon Server license
Limits of the Server evaluation license
Uninstalling Corticon Products
Corticon Studio: Rule Modeling Guide
Building the Vocabulary
What is a Vocabulary?
Starting from scratch
Designing the Vocabulary
Step 1: Identifying the Terms
Step 2: Separating the Generic Terms from the Specific
Step 3: Assembling and Relating the Terms
Step 4: Diagramming the Vocabulary
Modeling the Vocabulary in Corticon Studio
Importing an OpenEdge Business Rules Vocabulary Definition (BRVD) file
Locking and unlocking Corticon Vocabularies
Applying an updated BRVD to a Vocabulary
Accessing the Vocabulary metadata of a Decision Service
Custom Data Types
Constraint Expressions
Using non-enumerated Custom Data Types in Rulesheets and Ruletests
How enumeration labels and values behave
Enumerations defined in the Vocabulary
Enumerations retrieved from a database
Using Custom Data Types
Using Custom Data Types in a Vocabulary
Using enumerated Custom Data Types in Rulesheets
Using enumerated Custom Data Types in Ruletests
Using IN operator with an enumerated list
Relaxing enforcement of Custom Data Types
Domains in a Rulesheet
Domains in a Ruletest
Support for inheritance
Inherited Attributes
Inherited Associations
Controlling the tree view
Using aliases with inheritance
Inheritance's effects on rule execution
Inheritance and Java object messaging
Test yourself questions: Building the vocabulary
Rule scope and context
Rule scope
Scope and perspectives in the vocabulary tree
Technical aside
Test yourself questions: Rule scope and context
Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents
Working with rules and filters in natural language
Filters vs. conditions
Qualifying rules with ranges and lists
Using ranges and lists in conditions and filters
Value ranges in condition and filter expressions
Value lists in condition and filter expressions
Using ranges and value sets in condition cells
Boolean condition Vs. values set
Exclusionary syntax
Using other in condition cells
Numeric value ranges in conditions
String value ranges in condition cells
Using value sets in condition cells
Using value lists in condition cells
Using variables as condition cell values
DateTime, date, and time value ranges in condition cells
Inclusive and exclusive ranges
Overlapping value ranges
Alternatives to value ranges
Creating rules by importing an Excel worksheet
Using standard boolean constructions
Finding references to an entity, attribute, or association in a project
Embedding attributes in posted rule statements
Including apostrophes in strings
Test yourself questions: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents
Understanding how Corticon Studio handles collections
Visualizing collections
A basic collection operator
Filtering collections
Using aliases to represent collections
Sorted aliases
Advanced collection sorting syntax
Statement blocks
Using sorts to find the first or last in grandchild collections
Special collection operators
Universal quantifier
Existential quantifier
Another example using the existential quantifier
Aggregations that optimize database access
Test yourself questions: Collections
Rules containing calculations and equations
Operator precedence and order of evaluation
Datatype compatibility and casting
Datatype of an expression
Defeating the parser
Manipulating datatypes with casting operators
Supported uses of calculation expressions
Calculation as a comparison in a precondition
Calculation as an assignment in a noncondition
Calculation as a comparison in a condition
Calculation as an assignment in an action
Unsupported uses of calculation expressions
Calculations in value sets and column cells
Calculations in rule statements
Test yourself questions: Rules containing calculations and equations
Rule dependency: Chaining and looping
What is rule dependency?
Forward chaining
Rulesheet processing: modes of looping
Types of loops
Looping controls in Corticon Studio
Identifying loops
The loop detection tool
Removing loops
Terminating infinite loops
Looping examples
Given a date, determine the next working day
Removing duplicated children in an association
Using conditions as a processing threshold
Test yourself questions: Rule dependency: chaining and looping
Filters and preconditions
What is a filter?
Full filters
Limiting filters
Database filters
What is a precondition?
Summary of filter and preconditions behaviors
Performance implications of the precondition behavior
Using collection operators in a filter
Location matters
Multiple filters on collections
Filters that use OR
Test yourself questions: Filters and preconditions
Recognizing and modeling parameterized rules
Parameterized rule where a specific attribute is a variable (or parameter) within a general business rule
Parameterized rule where a specific business rule is a parameter within a generic business rule
Populating an AccountRestriction table from a sample user interface
Test yourself questions: Recognizing and modeling parameterized rules
Writing Rules to access external data
A Scope refresher
Showing vocabulary details in a Rulesheet
Clearing database mappings in the vocabulary
Validation of database properties
Enabling Database Access for Rules using root-level Entities
Testing the Rulesheet with Database Access disabled
Testing the Rulesheet with Database Access enabled
Optimizing Aggregations that Extend to Database
Precondition and Filters as query filters
Filter Query qualification criteria
Operators supported in Query Filters
Using multiple filters in Filter Queries
Defining database caching in Studio
Test yourself questions: Writing rules to access external data
Logical analysis and optimization
Testing, analysis, and optimization
Scenario testing
Rulesheet analysis and optimization
Traditional means of analyzing logic
Test databases
Validating and testing Rulesheets in Corticon Studio
Expanding rules
The conflict checker
Using overrides to handle conflicts that are logical dependencies
The completeness checker
Automatically Determining the Complete Values Set
Automatic Compression of the New Columns
Limitations of the Completeness Checker
Renumbering Rules
Letting the expansion tool work for you: tabular rules
Memory management
Logical loop detection
Testing rule scenarios in the Ruletest Expected panel
Navigating in Ruletest Expected comparison results
Reviewing test results when using the Expected panel
Expected panel: Output results match expected exactly
Expected panel: Different values output than expected
Expected panel: Fewer values output than expected
Expected panel: More values output than expected
Expected panel: All problems
Techniques that refine rule testing
Setting selected attributes to ignore validation.
Using key attributes to improve difference detection in Ruletests
Setting how whitespace is handled
Optimizing Rulesheets
The compress tool
Producing characteristic Rulesheet patterns
Compression creates sub-rule redundancy
Effect of compression on Corticon Server performance
Precise location of problem markers in editors
Test yourself questions: Logical analysis and optimization
Advanced Ruleflow techniques and tools
Using a Ruleflow in another Ruleflow
Conditional Branching in Ruleflows
Example of Branching based on a Boolean
Example of Branching based on an Enumeration
Logical analysis of a branch container
How branches in a Ruleflow are processed
Generating Ruleflow dependency graphs
Ruleflow versioning and effective dating
Setting a Ruleflow version
Major and minor versions
Setting effective and expiration dates
Setting a specific target date for a Ruletest
Test yourself questions: Ruleflow versioning and effective dating
Localizing Corticon Studio
Localizing the Vocabulary
Localizing the Rulesheet
The Corticon Studio reporting framework
Applying logging and override properties to Corticon Studio and its built-in Server
Troubleshooting Rulesheets and Ruleflows
Where did the problem occur?
Using Corticon Studio to reproduce the behavior
Running a Ruletest in Corticon Studio
Analyzing Ruletest results
Tracing rule execution
Identifying the breakpoint
At the breakpoint
No results
Incorrect results in Studio
Partial rule firing
Initializing null attributes
Handling nulls in compare operations
Test yourself questions: Troubleshooting rulesheets and ruleflows
Standard Boolean constructions
Boolean AND
Boolean NAND
Boolean OR
Boolean XOR
Boolean NOR
Boolean XNOR
Answers to test-yourself questions
Test yourself answers: Building the vocabulary
Test yourself answers: Rule scope and context
Test yourself answers: Rule writing techniques and logical equivalents
Test yourself answers: Collections
Test yourself answers: Rules containing calculations and equations
Test yourself answers: Rule dependency: dependency and inferencing
Test yourself answers: Filters and preconditions
Test yourself answers: Recognizing and modeling parameterized rules
Test yourself answers: Writing rules to access external data
Test yourself answers: Logical analysis and optimization
Test yourself answers: Ruleflow versioning and effective dating
Test yourself answers: Troubleshooting rulesheets
Corticon Studio: Quick Reference Guide
Using Progress Corticon Studio
Progress Corticon Studio components
Initial menu commands
Keyboard shortcuts
Initial toolbar
The file tab
The active Corticon Studio window
File naming restrictions
Renaming and relocating assets in the Project Explorer
Rule Projects
Creating a Rule Project
Downloading a Project from a deployed Decision Service
The Project Explorer window
Creating a Vocabulary
The Vocabulary window
Vocabulary menu commands
Vocabulary toolbar
Commands on the Vocabulary context-sensitive menu
Populating a new Vocabulary
The Vocabulary tree view
Vocabulary custom data types and database access
Adding nodes to the Vocabulary tree view
Vocabulary node naming restrictions
Domain nodes: Adding and editing domains and their properties
Entity nodes: Adding and editing entities and their properties
Attribute nodes: Adding and editing attributes and their properties
Enumerated values
Association Nodes: Adding and editing associations and their properties
Editing an association
Saving a new Vocabulary
Opening an existing Vocabulary
Modifying a Vocabulary
Creating a Vocabulary report
Creating a new Rulesheet
Rulesheet menu commands
Rulesheet toolbar
Commands on the Rulesheet context-sensitive menu
Rulesheet sections
Rule statements window
Rulesheet properties
Using the business vocabulary to build rules
Using the operator vocabulary to build rules
Naming Rulesheets
Deleting Rulesheets
Saving a new Rulesheet
Validating and optimizing a Rulesheet
Creating a Rulesheet report
Closing a Rulesheet
Saving a modified Rulesheet
Creating a new Ruleflow
Ruleflow window
Naming Ruleflows
Adding Ruleflows
Deleting Ruleflows
Saving a new Ruleflow
Ruleflow menu commands
Ruleflow toolbar
Editor commands on the Ruleflow context-sensitive menu
Renaming a Ruleflow and/or saving a Ruleflow to a different location
Creating a Ruleflow report
Closing a Ruleflow
Ruleflow properties
Rulers and grid
Ruleflow preferences
Objects on a Ruleflow canvas
Ruleflow canvas tools
Object commands on the Ruleflow context-sensitive menu
Properties of Ruleflow objects on a Ruleflow canvas
Adding colors and comments to Ruleflow objects
Creating a new Ruletest
Choosing a test subject in the Studio workspace
Choosing a test subject that is a deployed Decision Service
Specifying server URLs for access to test subjects
Ruletest window
Ruletest menu commands
Ruletest toolbar
Commands on a Testsheet context-sensitive menu
Testsheet tabs
Populating the input panel
Adding entities to the test tree
Creating associations in the test tree
Assigning attribute values in the test tree
Automatically generating a test tree
Executing tests
Sequence of message posting
Sorting messages
Format of output data
Creating multiple test scenarios on the same testsheet
Creating multiple test scenarios as a set of testsheets
Creating a sequential test using multiple testsheets
Naming testsheets
Adding testsheets
Associating one child entity with more than one parent
Saving a Ruletest
Importing an XML or SOAP document to a testsheet
Importing a JSON document to a testsheet
Exporting a testsheet to an XML document
Exporting a testsheet to a SOAP message
Exporting a testsheet to a JSON document
Creating a Ruletest report
Exiting Corticon Studio
Corticon Studio: Rule Language Guide
Introduction to Corticon Rule Language
Rule structure
Basic data types
Truth values
Collection operators
Language operators
Vocabulary used in this Language Guide
Rule operators
Tool tips
Usage restrictions
Categories of rule operators
General terms
Attribute operators
Entity/Association operators
Extended Operators
Rule operator details and examples
Absolute value
Add numbers
Add strings
Add days
Add hours
Add minutes
Add months
Add seconds
Add years
Associate element(s)
Days between
Day of week
Day of year
Disassociate element(s)
Ends with
Equals when used as an assignment
Equals when used as a comparison
Equals ignoring case
Equals when using Strings
First (number)
For all
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Hour between
In {List}
In (Range)
Index of
Is empty
Last (number)
Less than
Less than or equal to
Logarithm (Base 10)
Logarithm (Base x)
Maximum value
Maximum value (Collection)
Minimum value
Minimum value (Collection)
Minutes between
Months between
Natural logarithm
New unique
Not empty
Not equal to
Remove element
Replace element(s)
Seconds between
Size of string
Size of collection
Sorted by
Sorted by descending
Starts with
To date: Casting a dateTime to a date
To dateTime: Casting a string to a dateTime
To dateTime: Casting a date to a dateTime
To dateTime: Casting a time to a dateTime
To dateTime: Timezone offset
To decimal
To integer
To string
To time: Casting a dateTime to a time
Week of month
Week of year
Years between
Character precedence: Unicode and Java Collator
Precedence of rule operators
DateTime data type
Guide to Creating Corticon Extensions
Overview of Corticon extensions
Using extensions when creating Decision Services
Reviewing what is in the sample extensions
What's in the Extended Operators Sample Projects
What's in the Service Callout Sample Projects
Service Callout org
Service Callout new
Code conventions
Using annotations
Imports and interfaces used in extensions
Using DataDirect drivers
Creating custom extended operators
Creating custom service callouts
Specifying properties on a service callout instance
Access to Vocabulary Metadata
Using Advanced Data Callouts (ADC)
Building the Java classes and JARs
Deploying Decision Services with extensions
Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide
Introduction to Corticon Server deployment
Choose the deployment architecture
Installation option 1: Web services
Installation option 2: Java services with XML message payloads
Installation option 3: Java services with Java object payloads
Installation option 4: In-process Java classes with Java object or XML payloads
Types of Corticon Servers
Preparing Studio files for deployment
Mapping the Vocabulary
XML mapping
Java object mapping
Entity mapping
Attribute mapping
Association mapping
Java generics
Java enumerations
Verifying Java object mapping
Packaging and deploying Decision Services
Deployment related files
Rule asset (ECORE, ERS, ERF) files
Test asset (ERT) files
Database access properties files
Corticon Deployment Descriptor (CDD) files
Decision Service (EDS) files
Schema (XSD, WSDL) files
Using Studio to compile and deploy Decision Services
Compiling and deploying to a Corticon Server
Compiling and saving to Studio disk for later deployment
Deploying Decision Services into Web Console Applications from Studio
Using Web Console to deploy Decision Services
Using Deployment Descriptors to deploy Decision Services
Structure of a Deployment Descriptor (.cdd) file
Setting properties in a CDD file
Setting deployment properties in a CDD file through APIs
Example of a complete CDD file
Using the Server Deployment Console
Functions of the Deployment Console tool
Setting the autoloaddir property
Using command line utilities to compile Decision Services
Syntax of the compile and test commands
Compiling a Decision Service from a Ruleflow
Testing a Decision Service with a Ruletest
Generating XSD and WSDL schema files
Compiling multiple Decision Services
Deploying a Decision Service
Creating a build process in Ant
Using Server API to compile and deploy Decision Services
Integrating Corticon Decision Services
Components of a call to Corticon Server
The Decision Service Name
The Data
Service contracts: Describing the call
XML workDocument
Java business objects
Creating XML service contracts with Corticon Deployment Console
Types of XML service contracts
XML Schema (XSD)
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
Annotated Examples of XSD and WSDLs Available in the Deployment Console
Passing null values in messages
Secure servers with authentication and encryption
Implementing deployment security
Setting up authentication for secure server access
Securing Server endpoints
Using authentication in Corticon Studio
Using authentication in client requests
Using authentication within Web Console
Using LDAP for Web Console authentication
Using authentication in server test scripts
Using API calls to a secure web application
Setting up encryption between servers and clients
Invoking Corticon Server
Methods of calling Corticon Server
SOAP call
Java call
REST call
Request/Response mode
Administrative APIs
Relational database concepts in the Enterprise Data Connector (EDC)
Identity strategies
Advantages of using Identity Strategy rather than Sequence Strategy
Key assignments
Conditional entities
Support for catalogs and schemas
Support for database views
Fully-qualified table names
Dependent tables
Inferred property values
Join expressions
Java Data Objects
Implementing EDC
Overview of the Enterprise Data Connector
Working with EDC in Corticon Studio
How Corticon Vocabulary terms relate to a database
Connecting a Vocabulary to a database
Defining a table namespace in the database
Defining the database connection
Filtering catalogs and schemas
Setting additional database access properties
Creating a database access properties file
Specifying entity properties for the database schema
Creating a schema in the database
Importing database metadata into a Vocabulary
Mapping and validating database metadata
Mapping database tables to Vocabulary Entities
Mapping database fields (columns) to Vocabulary Attributes
Mapping database relationships to Vocabulary Associations
Validating database mappings
Metadata for Datastore Identity in XML and JSON Payloads
Data synchronization
Read-Only database access
Read/Update database access
Importing an attribute's possible values from database tables
Working with EDC in Corticon Server
Managing User Access in EDC
How EDC handles transactions and exceptions
Working with database caches
Creating and updating a database schema from a Vocabulary
Inside Corticon Server
The basic path
About Working Memory
Ruleflow compilation into an EDS file
Batch processing
Multi-threading, concurrency reactors, and server pools
Reactor state
Corticon Server state
Turning off server state persistence
Dynamic discovery of new or changed Decision Services
Replicas and load balancing
Exception handling
Decision Service versioning and effective dating
Deploying Decision Services with identical Decision Service names
Invoking a Decision Service by version number
Creating samples of versioned Ruleflows
Specifying a version in a SOAP request message
Specifying version in a Java API call
Default behavior with no target version
Invoking a Decision Service by date
Modifying the sample Rulesheets and Ruleflows
Specifying Decision Service effective timestamp in a SOAP request message
Specifying effective timestamp in a Java API call
Specifying both major version and effective timestamp
Default behavior with no timestamp
Summary of major version and effective timestamp behavior
Using Corticon Server logs
How users typically use logs
Changing logging configuration
Configuring log content
Configuring log files
Troubleshooting Corticon Server problems
Performance and tuning guide
Rulesheet performance and tuning
Server performance and tuning
Optimizing pool settings for performance
Single machine configuration
Cluster configuration
Capacity planning
The Java clock
Diagnosing runtime performance of server and Decision Services
Enabling Server handling of locales, languages, and timezones
Character sets supported
Handling requests and replies across locales
Examples of cross-locale processing
Example of cross-locale literal dates
Example of requests that cross timezones
Implementing Rule Execution Recording in a database
Request and response examples
JSON/RESTful request and response messages
About creating a JSON request message for a Decision Service
Sample JSON request and response messages
XML requests and responses
Sample XML CorticonRequest content
Sample XML CorticonResponse content
Sample client applications
Service contract examples
Examples of XSD and WSDLS available in the Deployment Console
1 Vocabulary-level XML schema, FLAT XML messaging style
Vocabulary-Level WSDL, FLAT XML Messaging Style
1.1 Header
1.2 CorticonRequestType and CorticonResponseType
1.3 WorkDocumentsType
1.4 MessagesType
1.5 VocabularyEntityNameType
1.6 VocabularyAttributeNameTypes
2 Vocabulary-level XML schema, HIER XML messaging style
2.1 Header
2.2 CorticonRequestType and CorticonResponseType
2.3 WorkDocumentsType
2.4 MessagesType
2.5 VocabularyAttributeNameTypes
3 Decision-service-level XML schema, FLAT XML messaging style
3.1 Header
3.2 CorticonRequestType and CorticonResponseType
3.3 WorkDocumentsType
3.4 MessagesType
3.5 VocabularyEntityNameType and VocabularyAttributeNameTypes
4 Decision-service-level XML schema, HIER XML messaging style
Decision-Service-Level XSD, HIER XML Messaging Style
4.1 Header
4.2 CorticonRequestType and CorticonResponseType
4.3 WorkDocumentsType
4.4 MessagesType
4.5 VocabularyEntityNameType and VocabularyAttributeNameTypes
5 Vocabulary-level WSDL, FLAT XML messaging style
5.1 SOAP Envelope
5.2 Types
5.3 Messages
5.4 PortType
5.5 Binding
5.6 Service
6 Vocabulary-level WSDL, HIER XML messaging style
6.1 SOAP Envelope
6.2 Types
6.3 Messages
6.4 PortType
6.5 Binding
6.6 Service
7 Decision-service-level WSDL, FLAT XML messaging style
7.1 SOAP Envelope
7.2 Types
7.3 Messages
7.4 PortType
7.5 Binding
7.6 Service
8 Decision-service-level WSDL, HIER XML messaging style
8.1 SOAP Envelope
8.2 Types
8.3 Messages
8.4 PortType
8.5 Binding
8.6 Service
Extended service contracts
Extended datatypes
Corticon API reference
Java API
REST Management API
Common REST request/response Types
Error handling in the REST Management API
Using the REST API Swagger documentation
Summary of REST methods for management of Decision Services
API ListDecisionServices
API Deploy Decision Service
API Undeploy Decision Service
API Get Decision Service Properties
API Set Decision Service Properties
API Ping Server
API Retrieve Metrics
API Get Server Log
API Get Server Info
API Get Server Properties
API Set Server Properties
API Set Server License
Configuring Corticon properties and settings
Using the override file,
Setting override properties in the file
Common properties
Date/time formats in
Corticon Studio properties
Corticon Server properties
Corticon Deployment Console properties
Supported RDBMS brands and features for Corticon EDC
DataDirect Cloud: Rollbase
DataDirect Cloud: Salesforce
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database
Progress OpenEdge
Progress OpenAccess
Corticon Server: Web Console Guide
About Corticon's Web Console
User's Guide
Components in a Corticon deployment
Servers groups and Servers
Adding Server groups and Servers
Editing Server groups and Servers
Exploring Server features
Server Execution Metrics
Server Statistics
View log
Download log
Managing in-process servers
Decision Services and Applications
Using Applications
Add or Edit a Decision Service
Undeploy a Decision Service on a Server
Decision Service General Information
Decision Service Details
Application Details
Test Execution
Monitored Attributes
Viewing the Activity Log
Participating in the Web Console Customer Experience Improvement Program
Administrator's Guide
User management
Using LDAP for Web Console authentication
Configuring the Activity Log
Configuring auto logout
Resetting the administrator password
Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with Java
Conceptual overview of the Java server
What is a web service?
What is a Decision Service?
What is the Corticon Server for Java?
What is a web services consumer?
Getting started
Starting Corticon Server for Java
Corticon Java Server files and API tools
Basic server classes
Setting up Corticon Server use cases
Installing Corticon Server as a J2EE SOAP servlet
Installing Corticon Server as a J2EE enterprise Java bean (EJB)
Installing Corticon Server as Java classes in-process or in a custom Java container
The Corticon home and work directories
The Corticon Server Sandbox
Testing the installed Corticon Server
Testing the installed Corticon Server as a J2EE SOAP servlet
Testing the installed Corticon Server as in-process Java classes
Deploying a Ruleflow to the Corticon Server
Creating a Ruleflow
Creating and installing a Deployment Descriptor file
Using the Java Server's Deployment Console Decision Services
Installing the Deployment Descriptor file
Hot re-deploying Deployment Descriptor files and Ruleflows
Consuming a Decision Service on Java server
Integrating and testing a Decision Service on Java server
Path 1: Using Corticon Studio as a SOAP client to consume a Decision Service
Creating a Java server test in Corticon Studio
Executing the remote test
Path 2: Using bundled sample code to consume a Decision Service
Sending a request message to Corticon Server
Path 3: Using SOAP client to consume a Decision Service
Web services SOAP messaging styles
Creating a Java Server service contract using the Deployment Console
Creating a SOAP request message for a Decision Service
Sending a SOAP request message to Corticon Server
Path 4: Using JSON/RESTful client to consume a Decision Service on Java Server
Running the sample JSON Request
Troubleshooting Java server
Summary of Java samples
Corticon Server: Deploying Web Services with .NET
Conceptual overview of the .NET server
What is a web service on .NET server?
What is a Decision Service on .NET server?
What is the Corticon Server for .NET?
What is a .NET web services consumer?
Getting started with Corticon Server for .NET
Testing the configuration
Testing the installed Corticon Server for .NET
Using a .NET Server installation to set up an in-process server
Testing as in-process
Testing a remote server on IIS
Corticon Server for .NET files and API tools
Setting up Corticon Server for .NET use cases
The Corticon Server for .NET home and work directories
The Corticon Server for .NET Sandbox
Deploying a Ruleflow to the Corticon Server for .NET
Creating a Ruleflow for .NET server
Creating and installing a .NET server Deployment Descriptor file
Using the .NET Server's Deployment Console Decision Services
Installing the Deployment Descriptor file on .NET server
Hot re-deploying .NET server Deployment Descriptor files and Ruleflows
Consuming a Decision Service on .NET server
Integrating and testing a Decision Service on .NET server
Path 1: Using Corticon Studio as a SOAP client to consume a Decision Service
Configuring Studio to send a SOAP Message to IIS
Creating a .NET server test in Corticon Studio
Executing the remote .NET server test
Path 2: Using bundled C# sample code to consume a Decision Service
Creating the WSDL and proxy files
Path 3: Using SOAP client to consume a Decision Service
Web services messaging styles
Creating a service contract using the Deployment Console
Creating a request message for a decision service
Sending a request message to the server
Path 4: Using JSON/RESTful client to consume a Decision Service on .NET server
Running the sample JSON Request on .NET server
Path 5: Using bundled JSON sample code to consume a Decision Service
Limits of the .NET server default evaluation license
Troubleshooting .NET server
Using .NET Business Objects as payload for Decision Services
Compiling a Decision Service into an Assembly DLL
Support for Windows Communication Framework (WCF)
Creating WSDL and proxy files
Updating your Corticon license JAR for .NET