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Corticon Server: Integration & Deployment Guide : Configuring Corticon properties and settings : Corticon Deployment Console properties

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Corticon Deployment Console properties

The following properties are used by Corticon's Deployment Console.
Note: Deployment Console properties are stored as a set of defaults in the file that is packaged in the CcConfig.jar. Each property's notes, options, and default value are listed in this section. You should always set override values in file located at your work directory root.
For support of BPEL in WSDL generation. Adds a partnerlink section to the generated WSDL to make it BPEL compliant. Default is false.
Adds the default namespace declaration to WSDL generation.
Adds the default namespace declaration to XSD generation.
URLs for the Web Service enabled instances of the Corticon Server. The values appear in the 'SOAP Server URL' field in the Deployment Console window. They are also used by the Test utility as the locations of the available Remote # Servers.
Defaults are http://localhost:8850/axis/services/Corticon (Default HTTP port used by the bundled Progress Application Server).
com.corticon.deployment.soapbindingurl_2=http://localhost:9080/axis/services/Corticon (typically used by IBM WebSphere)
com.corticon.deployment.soapbindingurl_3=http://localhost:7001/axis/services/Corticon (typically used by Oracle/BEA Weblogic)
Controls whether <choice> or <sequence> tags are used for the <WorkDocuments> section of the generated XSD/WSDL. When useChoice is set to true, <choice> tags are used which results in more flexibility in the order in which entity instances appear in the XML/SOAP message. When useChoice is set to false, <sequence> tags are used which requires that entity instances appears in the same order as they appear in the <WorkDocuments> section of the XSD/WSDL. Some Web Services platforms do not properly support <choice> tags. For these platforms, this property should be set to false. Default is true.
Determines whether generated service contracts (WSDL/XSD) are compliant with Microsoft .NET WCF. This property must be set to true when Corticon Server is deployed inside a Microsoft WCF container. Note:  WSDLs meant for .NET consumption should be generated in Hier XML Messaging Style. Default is false.
Determines the path to an existing directory used exclusively by the Deployment Console to pre-compile Ruleflow files into .eds files. Default is %CORTICON_HOME%/DecisionServerSandbox
(Note that this is not the same property as the sandboxDir used in Server properties.)
Tells the XSD and WSDL Generators to create unique Target Namespaces inside the output document.
If the property is set to true, the following template will be used to create the Target Namespaces for the XSD and WSDL Documents:
*XSD: urn:decision/<Decision Service Name>
*WSDL: <soap binding uri>/<Decision Service Name>
If the property is set to false, the following template will be used to create the Target Namespaces for the XSD and WSDL Documents:
*XSD: urn:Corticon
*WSDL: urn:CorticonService
Default is false.  