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Database Management
Database Maintenance Job Templates : Creating database maintenance job instances : Setting up a Grow BI job

Setting up a Grow BI job

Grow BI job instances should be used if the BI file is truncated. Grow BI jobs preformat the BI file and result in better performance.
To complete the Grow BI Properties page:
1. Provide values for the Name and Description fields.
2. From the Resources list, select the database whose BI file you want to grow.
3. Identify the operating system user account in the User name or Group field. (This account is not necessarily the same as your OpenEdge Management user account name.) If specified, the account must be valid on the server machine (or server domain) where the AdminServer and OpenEdge Management are running. In Windows the name can also include a domain.
4. Type the password of the specified user in the Password field. If the User name or Group does not have an associated password, this field must be left blank or an error message will be generated.
5. Complete the Job specification section as follows:
a. Enter the command to be executed in the Command field. This can be any user-defined command that would typically execute from an OS shell. The name can include a full or a relative pathname. You can use environment variables such as %DLC% or $DLC. This value will already be defined if you are creating a job instance from a template.
b. Define the input parameter to the command in the Command parameters field. The list of parameters takes the same format as from an OS shell. Additionally, you can use environment variables, such as $SHELL or %WINDIR%, and Windows registry values.
c. Verify the name of the command's current working directory in the Working directory field. If specified, this directory must exist. This property defaults to the OpenEdge Management working directory defined at installation.
d. Enter the name of the Input fileto be used for read redirection with a job's command. This is typically used for any keyboard input the command might require (optional).
When you create or edit a job, OpenEdge Management supplies the .out and .err filenames. The filenames will be the same as the job name with a different suffix. You can change the filename, or you can remove it if you do not want to create the output files. Also, if you edit the job name, OpenEdge Management will not change the filenames to reflect the new job name. You should review these filenames before saving the page to verify the job created the expected output files.
e. To append subsequent messages to the .out or .err files, select the Append option. The Output file fields indicate where messages will be retained.
6. In the Environment name=value pairs field, define environment variables to be set (in the process context of the task that runs to execute the specified job). These values are application-specific, user-definable variables. For a list of environment variables available for the job, run the job with the Debug log file option on. The debug log file lists all environment variables and, if applicable, their values. Environment variables are preceded by env in the log file. For environmental variables specific to the Grow BI job, see Table 5.
7. Select the Debug log file option to obtain diagnostic details that help debug job properties when setting up a job. You can set this option and use the Run Now feature on the Job Summary page. Once you have submitted the job, OpenEdge Management makes debug data available through the debug log file link on the Job Summary page.
8. Select the Indicate if the job can be used as an action option if you want this job to appear in the list of actions that can be selected for execution from the Alerts and Job completion action page.
9. If you intend to set up actions and alerts for this job, click the Edit button associated with the Completion Actions and Alerts field to display the Job Completion Actions and Alerts page. See OpenEdge Management: Resource Monitoring for more information about the Job Completion Actions and Alerts page.
10. Click Save. The Job Summary page appears. You can now schedule the job to run at a later time, or you can run it immediately.