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Configuring SonicMQ Adapters : Configuring a SonicMQ Adapter : SonicMQ Adapter SSL properties : SonicMQ Adapter SSL General properties
SonicMQ Adapter SSL General properties
Table 106. SonicMQ Adapter SSL General properties
Enable SSL client connections
If this property is selected, all connections to this SonicMQ Adapter must use SSL tunneling.
Private key/digital certificate alias name
The alias name within the OpenEdge keystore of the private key and digital certificate entry to use to authenticate all connections to this SonicMQ Adapter. If not otherwise selected, the SonicMQ Adapter uses the default_server server certificate alias.
Password to access the key/certificate
The password to use for accessing the private key and digital certificate. You must specify a password when you specify the select an OpenEdge keystore alias name.
Note: Your password is encrypted in the file. If you set the password in manually, you must specify the password as an encrypted value that you can obtain using the genpassword utility located in the bin directory of your OpenEdge installation.
If you use the default_server server certificate, it also has a default password that you do not need to specify.
Password to access the key/certificate Confirm
Confirmation of the username account password. This field appears only if you are editing the configuration.
Note that this field does not appear if the AdminServer is running on a non-Windows host machine.