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Installation and Configuration
Preinstallation Checklist for Windows : Web Services Adapter (WSA) (for OpenEdge SOAP Web Services)

Web Services Adapter (WSA) (for OpenEdge SOAP Web Services)

If you are installing the Web Services Adapter (WSA) product or a product that contains the WSA, respond to these points:
*Accept the default URL provided in the URL field http://<machinename:80>/wsa/wsa1, or change it to: __________________________.
Consider your WSA configuration and your Web Server or Java Servlet engine. The URL field defines the location for the sample Web Services wsa1. (When you deploy a Web service, you deploy it to a WSA instance, which defines the root URL used to access the Web service and handles all of its client communications. Each WSA instance manages its own set of deployed Web services.)
*Retain or change the WSA authentication feature.
The default security setting to perform administrative tasks requires a valid username and password each time a connection to a WSA instance is initiated. If you select the check box associated with the Disable Authentication option, you disable this default security setting, eliminating any authorization requirement to administer the WSA.