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ABL Reference
Handle Attributes and Methods Reference : Accessing handle attributes and methods

Accessing handle attributes and methods

A handle attribute is a value that defines a visible, functional, and other characteristic of an ABL handle-based object. System handles also have attributes that describe and control certain handle-based object or system states. Attributes can be readable, writeable, or both. Readable means that your code can assign the value of the attribute to a variable or reference its value in an expression. Writeable means that your code can change the value of an attribute and thereby change the associated characteristic of the object or system state. Whether or not an attribute is readable or writeable depends on a number of factors (for example, the widget type, system handle type, widget realization, etc.).
A handle method is a specialized function associated with an ABL handle-based object that performs an action on the object, or alters the behavior of the object. Some system handles also have methods that affect certain widget and system behaviors. All methods return a value and some methods require parameters. The return value usually is a logical value specifying whether or not the execution of the method was successful. However, some methods return other types of information.
* Handle-based references
* Handle attribute access
* Handle method calls