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Open Client Introduction and Programming
Generating Proxies and Web Service Definitions : Object naming in ProxyGen : Open Client interface naming conventions

Open Client interface naming conventions

ProxyGen uses the following default naming conventions for Open Client interface objects and methods:
*AppObject, SubAppObject, and ProcObject class names — You must specify the name for each AppObject and SubAppObject class. Unless you override it, each ProcObject class name is the r-code filename of the mapped persistent procedure, matching the case and spelling without the extension. ProxyGen also performs any automatic name conversions. See Automaticname conversions.
Each object must be uniquely named.
For Java and .NET proxies, these object names are used as the actual class names.
For SOAP Web services, these object names are used according to the conventions and programming language requirements of the Web service client toolkit that builds the client proxies from the WSDL file. For more information on how Web service client platforms use these object names, see the sections on sample Web service client platforms in OpenEdge Development: Web Services.
*Methods in an AppObject or SubAppObject that execute an external, non-persistent AppServer procedure — The method name is the procedure filename without the extension. Method names are case sensitive. ProxyGen also performs any automatic name conversions. See Automaticname conversions.
*Methods in a ProcObject that execute an internal procedure or user-defined function defined in the procedure — The method name matches the corresponding ABL internal procedure and user-defined function names found in the procedure file. Method names are case sensitive. ProxyGen also performs any automatic name conversions. See Automaticname conversions.
*Class factory methods in an AppObject that create a SubAppObject — The method name depends on the type of Open Client, where SubAppObject is the SubAppObject name:
*Java proxycreateAO_SubAppObject
*.NET proxy and Web service definitionCreateAO_SubAppObject
*Class factory methods in an AppObject or SubAppObject that create a ProcObject — The method name depends on the type of Open Client, where ProcObject is the ProcObject name:
*Java proxycreatePO_ProcObject
*.NET proxy and Web service definitionCreatePO_ProcObject
Note: On Windows platforms, the case of the r-code filename is affected by the name entered during ABL compilation. For example, suppose you execute the following COMPILE statement in the Procedure Editor: COMPILE aBCdEf.p SAVE. Then the generated r-code filename is aBCdEf.r, even though Abcdef.p might be the actual procedure filename. Thus, the generated method name is aBCdEf or CreatePO_aBCdEf for a persistent procedure.