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.NET Open Clients
Connecting to an AppServer : Connection class

Connection class

OpenEdge provides a connection object, Progress.Open4GL.Proxy.Connection. This connection object provides a means to store AppServer connection information, which can be passed to the AppObject constructor when connecting to the AppServer.
The connection object has the two constructors shown in the syntax boxes that follow.
The following constructor specifies the AppServer connection information (url), user ID, password, and information required by the AppServer application at connection time:


public Connection(string url, string userid, string password,
     string appserverInfo)
Note: For an HTTPS connection using the AppServer Internet Adapter (AIA) with the Web server running on the .NET Open Client machine, you must specify the Internet host name (not"localhost") in the URL exactly as it appears in the CN field of the Web server certificate.
Note: The combined length of the url, userid, password, and AppServer-info fields must not exceed 30,000 non-Unicode characters when connecting to an AppServer.
For more information on the AppServer URL connection parameter format and default connection information, see the sections on connecting to an AppServer using a URL in OpenEdge Application Server: Developing AppServer Applications.


The following constructor specifies the user ID, password, and information required by the AppServer application at connection time:
public Connection(string userid, string password, string appserverInfo)
The constructor above uses default AppServer connection information. This defaults the URL to AppServer://localhost:5162/appService, where appService is the AppService Name setting specified in the general settings of the ProxyGen Generate Proxies dialog box.
Before you establish a connection, you can set properties for the Connection object. See AccessingProxy Properties for more information on setting and updating Connection object properties.