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Java Open Clients
Using SmartDataObjects from Java Clients : Working with SDOResultSet objects : Updating SDOResultSet objects

Updating SDOResultSet objects

The procedure below will take you through the process of updating your SDOResultSet objects.
To update an SDOResultSet object:
1. Make a change locally in the client application. For example, update column values in an existing row or create a new row (moveToInsertRow()).
2. Commit the local changes to the database (through the remote SmartDataObject), by executing a row method, such as updateRow() or insertRow().
Caution: If you move the cursor from a row where you updated columns (for example, using next()), before you commit the column updates to the database, your column updates to that row will be lost.
* Transactions and concurrency control
* Updating column values
* Inserting, deleting, and updating rows
* Using extended transactions
* Using batch mode [extension]
* Visibility of updates