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Java Open Clients
Passing Parameters : ABL data type mappings : Arrays as parameters : Unknown value (?) as a parameter
Unknown value (?) as a parameter
The Unknown value (?) is mapped to a Java object with a null value. The int, boolean, and long data types, however, are intrinsic types, not Java classes, so the null value does not belong to the set of values they support. If a proxy is defined to support the ABL Unknown value (?) in ProxyGen, parameters that otherwise would be intrinsic data types are generated as Java classes. For example, ProxyGen generates an Integer parameter instead of an int, a Boolean parameter instead of a boolean, and a Long parameter instead of long.
The following is an example of a proxy method signature that does not support the ABL Unknown value (?) for the first and third parameters:
foo(int, Date, boolean)
The following is an example of a proxy method that allows all the parameter values to be Unknown value (?):
foo(Integer, Date, Boolean)