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Java Open Clients
Accessing Proxy Properties : Alphabetical listing of properties : PROGRESS.Session.proxyPassword


Data Type: String
Session model: Session-free and session-managed
Use to authenticate the AppServer client to the Proxy Web server. The value can be a string of up to 512 printable ASCII characters.
You should use PROGRESS.Session.proxyPassword when PROGRESS.Session.proxyHost and PROGRESS.Session.proxyPort are specified and the Proxy server requires authentication.
If PROGRESS.Session.proxyHost and PROGRESS.Session.proxyPort are not specified to the Java Open client, any value for the PROGRESS.Session.proxyPassword is ignored.
This property is validated during the connection. If the password is invalid, the connection fails and OpenEdge issues an error message. If PROGRESS.Session.proxyUserId is not specified, the connection ignores any value for PROGRESS.Session.proxyPassword.
Default: None