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BP Server Developer's Guide
Workstep template management : Retrieving workstep templates

Retrieving workstep templates

WorkStepTemplate can be retrieved from class ProcessTemplate or ProcessInstance.
*public WorkStepTemplate getWorkSteptemplate(java.lang.String wsName)
BP Server provides this API to retrieve the object of workstep template or instance corresponding to any particular workstep. The method getWorkStepTemplate(String wsName) in class ProcessTemplate or ProcessInstance can be used to retrieve a WorkStepTemplate object by providing the name of workstep. You must first retrieve the ProcessTemplate object, which is described in the Retrievingprocess templates.
*public java.util.Vector getWorkStepTemplateList()
You can retrieve the WorkStepTemplate object for all the worksteps available with the process template or instance. This list includes InlineBlock workstep and also all activities defined within all InlineBlocks.
*public java.util.Vector getWorkStepTemplateList(boolean inlcudeInlineActivities)
You can retrieve the WorkStepTemplate object for all the worksteps available with the process template or instance. To include all the WorkSteps defined within all InlineBlocks, pass the parameter as "true". If you pass it as "false", then it include only the InlineBlock workstep defined in the main process.