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Command and Utility Reference : RESTMAN getstats (Application)

RESTMAN getstats (Application)

Displays the statistics for a REST Web application, such as Number of Successful User Requests and Average Response Time for User Requests.
The following is the list of REST Web application statistics:
*Adapter errors — Total number of REST failures
*Application errors — Total number of errors related to REST Web application
*Average response time — Average response time of each request response.
*Failed admin logins — Total number of failed administrator logins
*Failed admin requests — Total number of administrator requests that failed due to missing request information
*Failed app server connections — Total number of failed AppServer connections in the connection pool
*Failed user logins — Total number of failed user logins
*Failed user requests — Total number of requests that failed due to missing request information
*Max response time — Maximum response time of each request response
*Successful admin logins — Total number of successful administrator logins
*Successful admin requests — Total number of successful administrator requests
*Successful app server connections — Total number of successful AppServer connections in the connection pool for this REST Web application
*Successful user logins — Total number of successful user logins
*Successful user requests — Total number of successful user requests handled by the selected REST Web application
*Creation time — Date and time that counting began for the statistics
*Start time — Start date and time of the REST Web application


Operating system
   -name instance-name
   -appname application-name
-name instance-name
The name of the REST Management Agent instance.
-appname application-name
The name of the REST Web application.
For more information on these statistics, see the OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer: Configuration manual or the OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer online help.